Monday: R.A.K. Day
Wear Yellow, Red, or Teal to remind everyone that there is always HOPE. Perform a random act of kindness, write down what you did, and turn it in to the box in the library. Reach out and have a conversation with someone on your team that you don’t normally take time to check on.
Tuesday: Team Spirit Day
Show that no one is alone - Wear a Martinez shirt or shirt that is one of AMIS colors. Friendship bracelet day.
Wednesday - You’ve got a Friend in Me.
Wear your favorite Disney themed shirt - No Pajamas
Thursday - Be Comfortable with Who You Are!
Wear school appropriate pajamas or sweats - check on someone that is not in your circle of friends. Ask about plans for the future.
Friday - Be the Light!
Sparkle and Shine! Wear some bling or lights.